North & South Carolina Physical State Map
Discover the Carolinas with this physical map of North & South Carolina. Explore its cities, including Charleston, Charlotte, Columbia, Greensboro, Greenville, Raleigh, and Winston-Salem. Get up-close insights into the area with the map's key features: capital, largest city, total area & population, freeways, primary and secondary highways, international & state/county boundaries, and major airports! Whether you're a seasoned traveler or just starting your journey of discovery, this map will expand your knowledge of the region and make for a captivating read. Our Physical Map of North & South Carolina showcases its geography, with easy-to-read text, and features like capital cities, rivers, major roads, towns, and bodies of water. It's perfect for any room, office, or school, and a great way to gain a comprehensive view of the State.
Laminated option: Printed onto high quality poster paper and laminated for durability.